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School Policies

At Kaizen we pride ourselves on providing an outstanding service to our children and families.  We publish our policies which are required by law but also help you to get the most out of our school.

All policies are available in print format from the front office.

Kaizen Safeguarding Policy

Kaizen takes safeguarding seriously, the policies we follow are outlined in our Safeguarding Policy and are updated frequently.  The latest policy is available here.

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

Kaizen Attendance and Punctuality Policy

Attending school is important for us at Kaizen

The latest policy for attendance can be found here.

Kaizen Behaviour Policy

We have outlined our rules and agreements to encourage amazing behaviour which makes learning more enjoyable for everyone.

You can view the policy from here.

Kaizen Charging Policy

This policy outlines where fees are applied with regards to educational visits, damage to school property, breakfast and afterschool clubs.

The policy can be viewed from here

Kaizen Complaint Policy

You can view the policy here.

The Complaints form can be found here

Scheme of Delegation can be viewed here.

EKO Equalities Information can be viewed here.

Privacy Notice Policies

Kaizen Whistleblowing Policy

You can view the policy here.

Accessibility Plan

You can view the policy here.

Uniform Policy

You can view the policy here.

Kaizen Health and Safety Policy

This policy outlines Health and Safety policies for Kaizen Primary School.  It covers systems and procedures in place.

The policy can be viewed from here

Kaizen Inclusion/SEND Policy

You can view the policy from here.

Kaizen Anti-Bullying Policy

You can view the policy here.

RSHE Policy

You can view the policy here.

Freedom Of Information Policy

You can view the policy from here

GDPR Policy

You can view the policy here.

Charging and Remissions Policy

You can view the policy here.

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