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Previous Newsletters


January 2019

This month we look at the amazing places our children have been learning, including our Year 5's that went for fantastic adventures around London and at Fairplay House.

You can download our newsletter here.


Kaizen Newsletters

November 2018

After another busy month our teams break down what's been happening plus an over view of the Christmas events happening at Kaizen. You can download our newsletter here.

Tapscott Schools Sports Partnership

Kaizen and Eko schools have joined the Tapscott Schools Sports Partnership. They have produced a newsletter showing the success of the Sports Partnership and the winning schools and the league table as it stands. You can download the newsletter here.

September 2018

We kick start the year with a welcome message from our Head teacher, a reminder of the new Mini-Schools leadership team and a roundup of all the amazing activities done on our first few weeks back at school. You can download our newsletter here.


Kaizen Newsletters

July 2018

Final words to end off the year from our Co-Headteacher. You can download our newsletter here.

June 2018

Take a look at the exciting news from around Kaizen this month; including our newly decorated wall in the playground, information about our amazing field trip planned for year 6 to France with updates from all the classrooms. You can download from here.

May 2018

Take a look inside for more details on what we have been up to: Year 4 and Nursery received a visit from the Petting Zoo where they met a variety of small animals and Year 5 took part in an exciting workshop all about the history of the NHS. May's newsletter

April 2018

Take a look inside for fantastic news on World Book Day, Year 2 learn about Space at the Science Museum and our Year 1 educational visit to the London Zoo. April's newsletter

February 2018

Take a look inside to see our amazing news on our Design and Technology week. February's newsletter


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