- Understand how and why children change, progress and develop over time
- Understand how children’s experiences shape their behaviours and support children to become caring and confident individuals, who can talk through conflicts and manage their relationships
- Identify, scaffold and support children’s interests and capabilities
- Identify any gaps in children’s experiences, knowledge, wellbeing and safety and foster these through planned enrichment opportunities such as visiting local places of worship, museums and theatres.
- Believe every child can make progress in their learning, with the right help and commitment
- Understand how family life and culture may impact learning and relationships
- Invest time in building and nurturing relationships with the children, their families and creating partnerships with the wider community
- Play a crucial role in supporting children’s learning, development and thinking through engaging and meaningful interactions, modelling, intervening, partnering and questionning
- Encourage children to learn through play, by adults modelling, by observing each other, and through guided learning and direct teaching
- Support children to understand how to articulate their thoughts through access to rich language and vocabulary that has been planned and with the support of evidence informed programmes
- Promote the value of teamwork and collaboration
- Challenge assumptions around equality, identity and representation
- Ensure all children feel represented through our provision. Planning and resourcing takes into account all of our children so they all feel that they belong.
- Encourage hands-on, practical learning that incorporates backwards fading to give children opportunities to apply previously taught skills independently
- Adults use metacognitive talk as they model to help children connect prior knowledge to new learning
- Scaffolds are used to support children in accessing learning
- Forest school is used to further develop children’s curiosity of the natural world
- Outdoor learning is highly valued with a focus on gross motor development, exploring, mark making and creative role play.