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SEND Information Report – October 2023

At Kaizen we believe that every child is unique and has the right to be educated in a stimulating and supportive environment, where everyone is valued, respected and all children are encouraged to reach their full potential.  

The Kaizen SEND Information Report sets out in one place on our website what we provide for our children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) throughout their time with us.  It explains how we support the children whilst at our school and during transition to their next stage of education. 

SEND Provision for Children and Young People at Kaizen Primary School

 As part of the Children and Families Act 2013, Local Authorities are required to publish a ‘Local Offer’ which sets out the support that is available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in the local area.  

Newham’s Local Offer is available on the Newham Website and informs parents and careers how to access services in their area and what to expect from these services. 

Alongside this, schools are required to publish information about their arrangements for identifying, assessing and making provision for pupils with SEND.

This is the Local Offer for Kaizen Primary School.  It describes the arrangements, support and provision that we make that is additional and different for children with SEND. Our aim is to ensure that all children, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in school.  This information is reviewed annually. 

Kaizen’s Local Offer illustrates the school's graduated response to children’s needs.  It shows the standard offer of teaching, learning and care for ALL children, the additional provision which may be needed by some children.   

On the school website is a copy of the school SEND/Inclusion policy, which has a section on special educational needs and disabilities. 

Eko SEND Policy

  • What type of SEND needs does the school provide for?

    The School SEND Information Report utilises the LA Local Offer to meet the needs of SEND pupils as determined by school policy, and the provision that the school is able to meet.

    At Kaizen Primary School, we embrace the fact that children have different educational needs. We endeavour to meet the needs of all children, including those who experience barriers to their learning. Whilst acknowledging that pupils learn at different rates, we recognise there are many factors affecting achievement. We aim to identify needs as they arise and provide teaching and learning contexts which will enable every child to reach their full potential.  Our aim is to provide Quality First teaching in order to meet the needs of every child.

    For some children they may require further support to help them achieve good learning outcomes.

    At Kaizen we welcome and include children with all Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, covering the four broad areas of need, as outlined in the Code of Practice 2014.

    Communication and Interaction

    • Speech, Language and Communication needs and disorders
    • Autistic Spectrum Disorder

    Cognition and Learning

    • Specific Learning Difficulties (SPLD)
    • Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD)
    • Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD)
    • Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD)

    Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties

    • Challenging Behaviour
    • Attention Deficit Disorder
    • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    • Attachment Disorders
    • Anxiety or depression

    Sensory and/or Physical Needs

    • Hearing Impairment
    • Visual impairment
    • Multi-sensory impairment
    • Physical Disability
  • How do we identify children with SEND?

    The school plans any additional support needed for your child. The school will also discuss support available to you from outside professionals. 

    Special Educational Needs can be identified using information from a range of sources. We ask about parental concerns about learning during admission interviews, where parents/carers are given the chance to tell us about any concerns they have regarding their child. If a child is transferring from another school/setting, then we would contact the previous school to ensure all records are passed on.

    We have an open-door policy where we encourage parents/carers to talk to the class teacher and/or SENDCo about any concerns they have in regard to their child’s development or learning.

    Class teachers and ASL’s monitor and assess all children closely. If they had a concern about the progress an individual is making, they would discuss this with the parents/carers and SENDCo.  At this stage the SENDCo is likely to suggest some follow up actions, often including observing the child or carrying out some more detailed assessments.

    Parents/carers would be invited into school to talk about the outcome and discuss the next stage in the process.  This may include a referral to a specific support agency such as the child development centre, which may carry out further assessments possibly leading to a diagnosis of a specific difficulty.

    Parents/carers will be kept up to date about the progress their child is making.  For some children parents will receive daily feedback from teachers or support staff.

  • How do we monitor progress in children with SEND?
    • Your child’s progress will be reviewed formally with the SENDCo every term in reading, writing and numeracy.
    • If your child is in Year 2 or Year 6, an assessment tool known as Pre-Key stage standards may be used to assess your child’s progress at each term.
    • At the end of each key stage (year 2 and year 6), all children are required to be formally assessed using Standard Assessment Tests (SATS).
    • Where necessary, children will have an Individualised Learning Plan (ILP), which will have short term targets for the area of need they are struggling with. There may also be targets set by outside agencies specific to their needs. Targets and progress will be reviewed every 6 weeks and future targets implemented.
    • The progress of children with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) will be formally reviewed at an Annual Review where all adults involved in the child’s education will be present.
    • The SENDCo will check that your child is making good progress when receiving individual and small group support.
    • Regular observations and learning walks will be made by the Senior Leadership team to ensure that all needs of all children are being met and that the quality of teaching is high.

    For children who have not made expected progress or whose attainment is below that of expected, a learning plan is created to support the children to make progress. This is then monitored for the next half term to ensure children are making progress.

  • How does the school adapt its learning for my child?

    Class Teacher input via excellent targeted classroom teaching

    Providing Quality First teaching through scaffolded learning to meet the individual needs of your child by building on what your child already knows, can do and understand.

    Making sure specific strategies suggested by other members of staff are in place to support your child to learn.

    Specific Group Work

    Specific group work includes interventions which may take place in or out of the classroom and may consist of small group work or individual intervention. The interventions may be led by the classroom teacher, Adult who Supports Learning (ASLs) or other members of staff.

    Specialist Interventions recommended by outside agencies.

    When your child has been identified by the SENDCo or class teacher as needing some specialist outside advice in order to support them successfully, the school will refer your child for assessment from a local authority or central service. The school will not be able to access outside agencies without your permission.  Once referred, a specialist will assess your child and make recommendations for support.

    For more information, please click Kaizen Primary School Local Offer.

    The Class Teacher

    Responsible for:

    • Ensuring that your child receives qualify first teaching in the form of planning, delivering and supporting all learning styles, interests and abilities
    • Monitoring your child’s progress
    • Recognizing when your child might need additional or different support in order to make progress and informing the Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENCO)
    • Writing learning plans for children based on the smaller steps outlined in Pre-Key stage standards and sharing and reviewing these with parents at least once a term.
    • Setting targets on support plans and discussing these with parents and pupils in a timely manner
    • Ensuring that the school’s Special Education Needs policy is followed in their classroom for all pupils they teach with SEND.
  • What is the curriculum offer for children with SEND?

    Our aim is to teach children the skills that they need to be independent and creative problem solvers. Teachers scaffold learning to meet the needs of all children, taking into account their starting point and prior learning.  When a child has been identified with a barrier in their learning, their work will be scaffolded by the class teacher to enable them to access the curriculum more appropriately to their needs.           

    Class teachers plan lessons according to the specific needs of all groups of children in their class. Children with identified SEN requiring extra support will be supported to access the learning in their classroom this might include adapted learning, a visual schedule, fuel stops and physical breaks.  Support staff under the direction of the class teacher can adapt planning to support the needs of your child where necessary specific resources and strategies will be used to support your child individually or in groups.

    For some children with significant needs, we know the best way to reduce any barriers to learning is to support the child in a small group or individually by an ASL to ensure access to the curriculum at a meaningful level. If a child’s developmental level is such that he or she requires a sensory based curriculum this will be designed by the SENDCo.  The learning will break down the national curriculum into smaller, more achievable steps. 

    If a child has been identified as having additional needs, you will be consulted and together we will agree targets to focus on reducing learning barriers. These will be regularly monitored by the class teachers and the SENDCo.

  • How is the decision made about the type of provision my child will receive?

    The school budget, received from Newham Local Authority, includes money for supporting children with special education needs (SEND).  The Head Teacher decides on the deployment of resources for Special Education Needs and Disabilities in consultation with the school governors on the basis of needs in the school.         

    The Head Teacher and the SENCo discuss all the information they have about Special Education Needs in the school including:

    • The children getting support already
    • The children needing extra support
    • The children who have been identified as not making as much progress as would be expected

    From this information they decide what resources training and support is needed

  • What is an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP)?

    Where learning needs are severe, complex and lifelong and require a particularly high level of specialist individual or small group teaching, parents can request for an EHC needs assessment. An EHCP replaces a Statement of Education and is suitable for children from birth up to 25 years of age.  EHCPs are written with the parents, school and any other involved agencies all agreeing targets to achieve over a given time frame.  This plan of support is available for children with significant lifelong barriers to learning that cannot be overcome through Quality First Teaching and intervention groups.  Your child will also need specialist support in school from other professionals, for example a speech therapist from the Local Authority. 

    What an EHCP means for your child:  

    The school (or you) requests that the Local Authority carry out a statutory assessment of your child’s needs. This is a legal process which sets out what type of support your child needs, the amount of support that will be provided for your child and targets to achieve.  After the request has been made to a panel of professionals, they will decide whether they think your child’s needs seem complex enough for an assessment. If the answer is yes, they will ask you and all professionals involved with your child to write a report outlining your child’s needs. If the answer is no, they will ask the school to continue with the current support. 

    After the reports have been sent in, the Panel of Professionals will decide if your child’s needs will have a lifelong effect. If this is the case, an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) will be drafted. If this is not the case, they will ask the school to continue with the current level of support and set up a meeting in school to ensure a plan is in place to help your child make as much progress as possible.  If your child receives an EHCP, it will outline the number of hours of individual/small group support your child will receive from the Local Authority and how the support should be used. For more information, please look at Newham EHCP.

    As a parent, if you disagree with any decision made at any point of the EHC process, you can take your child's case to the SEND tribunal. Information about this will be provided to you by Newham. You can also contact Newham SENDIASS to support you with this dispute.

  • How is the school supporting my child’s emotional, mental and social development?

    We recognise that some children have extra emotional and social needs. These needs can manifest themselves in a number of ways including behavioural difficulties, anxiousness and being uncommunicative.

    All classes follow the Jigsaw RSHE curriculum which integrates PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education), emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a whole-school approach. Classes also have frequent circle times to support this development. However, for children who find aspects of this difficult we offer nurture provisions run by two learning mentors who are highly trained in the Thrive approach.

    The RSHE curriculum also covers anti-bullying concepts and strategies for children. There is a zero tolerance of bullying at Kaizen Primary School and, should any bullying arise, it is taken seriously by the whole staff. The members of the Senior Leadership Team will lead on investigating events that may have happened and feedback to the parents in a timely manner. For more information, please find the Anti-Bullying Policy on our website in under school policies School Policies

    How are the school’s resources matched to the individual needs of children?

    The school identifies the needs of SEND pupils on a provision map. The provision map identifies all support given within the school and is reviewed regularly. Changes are made determined by pupils' needs with resources deployed as effectively as possible.

    Where a child requires a specialist resource this is usually provided by the prescribing professional. The school provides resources such as writing slopes, pencils grips, reading rulers etc.

  • What support do we have for you as a parent of a child with SEND?
    • The class teacher is available to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns or questions you may have and to share information about what is working well at home and school in order to help everyone adopt the most successful strategies.
    • The SENDCo is available to meet with you and discuss your child’s progress or any concerns or worries you may have.
    • All information from outside professionals will be discussed with you with the person involved directly, or where this is not possible, in a report.
    • Personal targets and support plans will be reviewed with your involvement every term.
    • Home learning will be adjusted as needed to your child’s individual requirements.
    • A home-school contact book may be used to support communication with you when this has been agreed to be useful for you and your child.
    • The Family Thrive 6 week course runs at Kaizen every term and it is open to all parents.
    • Other parent workshops are also offered at Kaizen.
    • Stay and learn sessions to support parents with how a learning concept is taught at school.

    Newham has a Parent partnership Service which can provide families with support and advice.  They will support families with writing letters about their child’s needs, may support you in meetings, explain educational procedures, your rights under the Education Act and provide details of local support groups and organisations.   

    You are also able to ask for independent support and advice from the Newham SENDIASS.

  • How does the school promote positive relationships at school?

    Inclusion takes into account all the needs of the children, and these include how a child behaves. We promote an ethos towards positive behaviour management with a clear Positive Relationship Policy that is followed by all children and staff.   Children and staff are encouraged to use the Kaizen “High Five" when dealing with conflicts. 

    To ensure that children reach their full potential we consider their social and emotional needs. To support us with this, we have Learning Mentors who support children across the school in a variety of ways.  An important aspect of the Learning Mentors work is to give children opportunities to speak about how they feel and discuss what they can do to feel more positive. A Learning Mentor may also support in the classroom where required.  Additionally, they provided support to parents about a variety of concerns and issues, including behaviour management strategies.    

    We have Play Leaders who model and encourage the appropriate behaviour in and around the school.

    If a child is at risk of exclusion, the school liaises with the SEMHs schools within the trust and where necessary a Pastoral/Relationship Support Plan is put into place.

    After any serious behaviour incident, we will inform parents/carers of what has happened. We will expect the child to reflect upon their behaviour at home

  • How does the school measure the impact of pupil progress towards outcomes?

    At Kaizen, we use Individualised Learning Plans where pupils, parents and teachers meet and discuss progress, participation and learning challenges. Together we agree on the next steps to support learning. Class Teachers are responsible for ensuring progress towards these targets is made and evidence will be collected to support these judgements. Support plan reviews are held every term and the SENDCo monitors and oversees this process.

    We follow the graduated approach to support children with SEND. This involves the four part cycle of Assess, Plan, Do, Review. This cycle takes place three times a year.


    If your child is not making the expected level of progress, we will make an assessment to find out what strengths and difficulties your child has. We will ask for you and your child’s input, as well as getting help from external professionals where necessary. 


    In discussion with you and your child, we will decide what outcomes we are hoping to achieve. We will make a plan of the support we will offer your child to help them meet those outcomes, as well strategies you can use at home. We will make a record of this and share with you and all relevant school staff.


    We will put our plan into practice. The class teacher, with the support of the SENDCo, will be responsible for working with your child on a daily basis, and making sure the support we put in place is having the impact we intended. 


    After at least a 6 week period, We will assess how well the support we put in place helped the pupil to meet the outcomes we set. We will use our improved understanding of your child’s needs to improve the support we offer. 

    We will track your child’s progress towards the outcomes we set over time and improve our offer as we learn what your child responds to best.

    This process will be continual. If the review shows a pupil has made progress, they may no longer need the additional provision made through SEND support. For others, the cycle will continue, and the school's targets, strategies and provisions will be revisited and refined.

    Other measures

    Informally, the class teacher and a supporting adult evaluate children’s progress at the end of every lesson.  The children’s learning outcomes reflect in the planning for the following lesson.

    More formally at the end of every learning cycle, class teachers undertake assessments.  Teachers analyse and discuss the children’s progress, plan next steps and set targets for children to achieve.

    You have the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress at Parent’s evenings and during annual review meetings. 

  • How does the school ensure that my child participates in activities alongside their peers who do not have SEND?

    We are an inclusive school and believe the importance of children participating alongside their peers in a meaningful and purposeful way.

    At Kaizen, we believe that learning doesn’t just happen in the classroom.  As part of organising an educational visit or residential stay for their class, teachers have to take into account the needs of all children, including how they can physically travel to a destination.  After consulting with parents, we will arrange the necessary adaptations to ensure a visit is successful. 

    A risk assessment is carried out prior to any off-site activity to ensure that nobody’s health and safety is compromised. In the unlikely event that it is considered unsafe for a child to take part in an activity, then alternative activities, which will cover the same curriculum areas, will be provided.

    Will my child be able to attend after school clubs?

    We run a variety of different after school clubs across the week, with all children being invited to apply for a place.  Clubs are allocated on a first come basis to ensure that all children get the opportunity to attend a club over the year.  Some of our higher needs children attend clubs with support from a familiar school adult.

  • How does the school support children with their next stages of education?

    We recognise that transitions can be difficult for a child with SEND and we take steps to ensure that any transition is as smooth as possible.

    If your child is joining us from another school

    • The SENDCo will, where possible, visit schools with the class teacher when a child has an additional need. 
    • The SENDCo will meet with your child’s school’s SENDCo to discuss the type of support that your child requires.
    • If your child would be helped by a book/passport to support them in understanding the move, one will be made for them.

    Your child will be able to visit our school as many times as needed for taster sessions. If need be, a structured transitions programme will be put in place.

    If your child is moving to another school

    • We will contact the school SENDCo and ensure that he or she knows about any special arrangements or support that need to be made for your child. Where possible, a planning meeting will take place with the SENDCo from the new school.
    • We will make sure that all records about your child are passed on as soon as possible.
    • If your child would be helped by a book/passport to support them in understanding the move, one will be made for them.

    When moving classes in school

    • Information will be passed on to the new class teacher in advance and in most cases a planning meeting will take place with the new teacher.
    • Individualised Learning Plans will be shared with the new teacher.
    • A book/passport may be used to help with the transition if this is appropriate.

    In Year 6

    The SENDCo will discuss the specific needs of your child with the SENDCo of the child’s secondary school. In most cases, a transition review meeting to which you will be invited will take place.

    • Your child will participate in focused learning relating to aspects of transition to support their understanding of the changes ahead.
    • Where possible, your child will visit their new school, and in some cases staff from the new school will visit your child in this school.
    • A book/passport may be used to help your child with this transition.
  • What training and expertise do staff have to support children with SEND?

    We are committed to Continued Professional Development (CPD). All our staff are provided with training and opportunities to develop their skills to ensure they are able to support children as effectively as possible.

    The leadership team are all experienced in working with children with SEND.

    Head of School, Ms Sims, has the National Award for Special Educational Needs.  The SENDCo, Ms Mohinani, has attended courses for Speech and Language interventions, Autism as well as the progression of Reading, Maths and Writing for children with complex needs. The SENDCo also has the National Award for Special Educational Needs.

    Teachers have had training on working with pupils with ASD, Speech and Language, supporting pupils with specific learning difficulties and multi-sensory teaching strategies.

    ASL’s have undergone training in Speech and Language interventions, SCERTS, Autism Awareness, Reading and Maths progression for SEND, and sensory room training.   One ASL has completed specialist Dyslexia training at a higher level.

  • How does the school ensure accessibility for all children?

    The school has the following in place to support access into and out of the building:

    ·         The school is fully compliant with DDA requirements.

    ·         The school has easy access with double doors and ramps.

    ·         The front desk is wheelchair height and is DDA compliant.

    ·         There are four disabled toilets, two shower areas and height adjustable beds for changing.

    ·         There is a lift for wheelchair access.

    ·         We have evac chairs for students in wheelchairs to use in an emergency situation.

    ·         We ensure wherever possible that equipment used is accessible to all children regardless of their needs.

    ·         After-school provision is accessible to all children, including those with SEND.

    ·         Extra curricular activities are accessible for children with SEND.

    ·         Sensory room

    ·         Interactive whiteboards in all classrooms.

    ·         Digital technology, when appropriate.


    Kaizen Accessibility Plan 

  • How are parents involved and how does my child contribute their views?

    Parents/carers have a vital role to play in supporting their child's education and therefore we strive to maintain good home/school partnerships.  Class teachers will set home learning each week and can suggest ways of how you can support your child at home.

    The SENDCo and class teacher will meet with you to discuss how to best support your child at home with learning or in developing good behaviours for learning.  You may be provided with specific strategies or learning programmes to use at home, to ensure consistency of approach. 

    How does my child contribute their views?

    We value and celebrate each child’s views on all aspects of school life.  This is often carried out through school council, circle time and class assemblies.

    Our pupil profiles enable pupils to have a voice in communicating what strategies work best in supporting their learning. This also outlines their likes, dislikes and how best to engage them with their learning and activities.

    Children who have Individualised Learning Plans discuss their targets with their Class Teachers and ASL’s.

    Children’s views are sought and taken into account during learning plan meetings and review meetings.


  • How do we make sure that admissions are fair for children with SEND?

    As a school, our Admissions Policy sits in line with the Local Authority to avoid any discrimination against a pupil with SEND.

    We regularly responded to EHCP consultations meeting deadlines to enable pupils to be admitted. Pupils are unable to take a vacant place during this consultation phase.

  • What support is in place for looked after children and previously looked after children?

    Neetu Mohinani is the designated staff member who oversees looked-after and previously looked-after children. She will work closely with the Senior Leadership Team, to make sure that all teachers understand the looked-after or previously looked-after children’s circumstances, what the implications are for teaching and learning, as well as how their SEND contributes to their situations, if applicable.

    Children who are looked-after or previously looked-after will be supported much in the same way as any other child who has SEND. However, looked-after pupils will also have a personal education plan (PEP). We will make sure that the PEP and any SEND learning plans or EHC plans are consistent and complement one another.  

  • What are the external services that the school can access in Newham?

    Specialist Interventions recommended by outside agencies.

    When your child has been identified by the SENDCo or class teacher as needing some specialist outside advice in order to support them successfully, the school will refer your child for assessment from a local authority or central service. The school will not be able to access outside agencies without your permission.  Once referred, a specialist will assess your child and make recommendations. Outside support agencies include:

    Further information on Newham’s Local Offer and Support Services can be found on the link below:


    The Children and Families Bill was enacted in 2014. From this date, Local Authorities and schools are required to publish and keep under review information about services they expect to be available for the children and young people with Special Education Needs (SEN) aged 0-25.

    The intention of the Local Offer is to improve choice and transparency for families. It will also be an important resource for parents in understanding the range of services and provision in the local area.


    If a child has a medical need, then a detailed health care plan is compiled by a senior leader or the school nurse in consultation with the parents/carers.  Health care plans are discussed and shared with all staff who work with the pupil.  Health Care Plans are updated annually or sooner, if the needs of a pupil change.

    Staff are trained to deal with specific conditions such as Asthma, Sickle cell, Epilepsy, Diabetes and allergies. Medications prescribed by doctors for these conditions are administered under the guidelines of the Health Care Plan.  Medications need to have the pharmacist’s sticker on them, which clearly states the child’s name and the medication dosage. 

  • What should I do if I have a concern about the provision my child’s additional needs or the provision he/she is receiving?

    If you have a concern in the first instance you can speak to Neetu Mohinani (SENDCo).  A meeting will be held to discuss your concerns more formally. 

    If you feel the issue is not resolved and you remain concerned, you should arrange an appointment to discuss your concerns with Neelam Mohammad or Antonia Simmonds (Head of School).

    If you still remain concerned, you should arrange an appointment to discuss your concerns with Barb Sims (Headteacher).

    Any formal complaint should be put in writing to the Chair of Governor, William Whiteside

    For further information about making a complaint, please see the Complaints Policy on our website under School Policies.

  • Glossary

    Access arrangements – special arrangements to allow pupils with SEND to access assessments or exams.

    Annual review – an annual meeting to review the provision in a pupil’s EHC plan.

    Area of need – the 4 areas of need describe different types of needs a pupil with SEND can have. The 4 areas are communication and interaction; cognition and learning; physical and/or sensory; and social, emotional and mental health needs.

    CAMHS – Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

    Scaffolded learning– when teachers adapt how they teach in response to a pupil’s needs.

    EHC needs assessment – the needs assessment is the first step on the way to securing an EHC plan. The local authority will do an assessment to decide whether a child needs an EHC plan.

    EHC plan – an education, health and care plan is a legally-binding document that sets out a child’s needs and the provision that will be put in place to meet their needs.

    First-tier tribunal/SEND tribunal – a court where you can appeal against the local authority’s decisions about EHC needs assessments or plans and against discrimination by a school or local authority due to SEND.

    Graduated approach – an approach to providing SEN support in which the school provides support in successive cycles of assessing the pupil’s needs, planning the provision, implementing the plan, and reviewing the impact of the action on the pupil.

    Intervention – a short-term, targeted approach to teaching a pupil with a specific outcome in mind. 

    Local offer – information provided by the local authority which explains what services and support are on offer for pupils with SEN in the local area.

    Outcome – target for improvement for pupils with SEND. These targets don't necessarily have to be related to academic attainment. 

    Reasonable adjustments – changes that the school must make to remove or reduce any disadvantages caused by a child’s disability.  

    SENDCo – the special educational needs and disability co-ordinator

    SEN – special educational needs

    SEND – special educational needs and disabilities.

    SEND Code of Practice – the statutory guidance that schools must follow to support children with SEND.

    SEN information report – a report that schools must publish on their website, that explains how the school supports pupils with SEN.

    SEN support – special educational provision which meets the needs of pupils with SEN.

    Transition – when a pupil moves between years, phases, schools or institutions or life stages.

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